• Scrum
  • About Scrum

    Scrum was a space revolutionary who led the fight for freedom in the galactic battle arena. He was one of the protagonists in the fight against the corporate empire that sought to eclipse the freedom and rights of all living beings.

    In the course of his struggle, Skram met Agile, a girl commander who was as fearless and with fire in her eyes as he was. They met on the planet Hardkata, where Skram experimented with new weapons and techniques while Agil ran her own revolutionary army.

    Skram and Agil were inseparable, they shared laughter, fear and glory. Love slowly but surely seeped into their entire existence. Feelings overwhelmed them during every battle, victory, defeat... They were so strong that it seemed as if they were securely sheltered from the thorns of war.

    However, one day, after a long and brutal battle, Agil was captured by the Empire. Scrum and his Alpha team tried to rescue her, but it was too late. Agil was accused of treason against the corporate empire and executed in front of Skram...

    Scram stiffened, his gaze clouded, he fell to his knees, and had it not been for VI.Za., who arrived in time and grabbed Scram, barely saving him, Fleet Commander Scram would have remained there forever...

    Scrum changed after that. He was no longer the cheerful and reckless guy he used to be. But he still wanted to keep fighting, but to avenge Agil. This became his main mission and obsession in life. He began massing rangers disgruntled with the current state of affairs and launched a new campaign against the corporate empire.

    However, their attempts proved futile. The corporation empire was too powerful and ruthless. They managed to destroy Skram's fleet and crew during the final battle. Ekstra, Skram's teacher, managed to save him at the last moment.

    Skram was wounded and ill, but he had not lost hope of a bright future. He knew that Agil would always live in his heart and that he would continue to fight for the freedom and rights of all living beings in the galaxy